▨ individuality


"imitation [...] plays an important role in [...] the development of values which form part of our individuality." p. 121

"imitation gives rise, paradoxically as it may seem, to individuality. That is precisely because the process is not mechanical reproduction, but an imaginative inhabiting of the other, which is always different because of its intersubjective betweenness." p. 249

individual in relation to the group and Aufhebung:

"In experiments where two participants are sharing a combined task, the two individuals appear spontaneously to function as one agent (Aufhebung) with a unified action plan" p. 248

"From the right hemisphere point of view, whereby an individual’s individuality can be understood only within a context (the group), what would look to the left hemisphere like the individual’s identity being lost in the group becomes merely its being taken up (aufgehoben (Aufhebung)) within the group wherein it belongs" p. 256

"The roots of any work of art have to be intuitive, implicit, still coming out of the body and the imagination, not starting in individualistic cerebral striving. The tradition gets taken up – aufgehoben (Aufhebung)) – into the whole personality of the artist" p. 413


See 3 connections with Gestalt.

See 3 connections with interconnectedness

See 3 connections with imperfection

See 3 connections with time