▨ worldview glossary

These quotations are taken from Self-organization of complex, intelligent systems: an action ontology for transdisciplinary integration by Francis Heylighen, source. See also the interactive map.

Quotations from F. Heylighen http://x28hd.de/demo/screenshots/heylighen.png source]

* action * adapt to changes in * affordance * agent * Agents and Evolution * bond or connection * challenge * change in * Cognition * cognition * collective intelligence * competition * complex adaptive system * conflict * constraint * cooperation * coordination * counteraction * course of action * Cybernetics * distributed cognition * disturbance * diversion * environment * event * evolution * evolution of cooperation * exploitation * exploration * fitness * fluid intelligence * friction * from interplay of * goal * how much energy to * information * intelligence * intelligence amplification * interaction * Interactions * knowledge 2 * mediator * medium * more * natural selection * navigation * Organization * organization * rationality 2 * recurrence of * regulation (or control) * self-organization * set of * state * stigmergy * supersystem * synergy * system * Systems * the exploration-exploitation trade-off * through * thus reducing * transaction costs * uncertainty * utility * variation * variety of action * zero-sum interaction