▨ stickiness

"There is a curious phenomenon of ‘stickiness’ about the attention exhibited by the left hemisphere [...] Following right-hemisphere damage [...] Patients find their gaze pulled, despite themselves, towards the right.
[...] The left hemisphere has difficulty disengaging; and this seems to be precisely because, instead of familiarity causing it to disattend, it causes it to attend all the more" p. 45f

"The left hemisphere’s ‘stickiness’, its tendency to recur to what it is familiar with (familiarity), tends to reinforce whatever it is already doing." p. 86

"The difficult bit about the ‘stickiness’ of the left hemisphere is that once we have already decided what the world is going to reveal, we are unlikely to get beyond it. We are prisoners of expectation.
[...] whatever it is the left hemisphere deals with is bound to become familiar (familiarity) all too quickly" p. 163f