▨ sight, spatial depth

"The camera model [...] does not reach to reverberative, reciprocal movement, the betweenness of sight. [...] And the relationship implied by the left-hemisphere [...] is not no relationship -- merely a disengaged relationship, implying, incorrectly, that the observer does not have an impact on the observed (and is not altered by what he or she observes). The betweenness is not absent, just denied" p. 165

"As long as that depth is preserved, it yields for the right-hemisphere engagement, 'betweenness'" p. 181

"there was originally no single word to convey the simple function of sight tout court. There were originally only words for relations with things, the quality of the experience, how the 'seer' stood towards the 'seen'. In other words sight had not been abstracted yet from its context within the lived world, where it is reverberative, itself alive, an expressive of betweenness" p. 266

"The breakthrough in Romantic thinking to the essential connectedness of things enabled them to see that those who are in awe of any great object [...] feel something that is Other, certainly, but also something of which they partake. Because of the empathic connection or betweenness [...] they both share in the character of the Other" p. 363