▨ modulation of posterior cortex

"Kinsbourne points to three such oppositional pairings within the brain [...] ‘up/down’ [...], ‘front/back’ (the inhibiting effects of the frontal lobes on the posterior cortex) and ‘right/left’" p. 9

"The frontal lobes achieve what they achieve largely through what is normally described as inhibition of the posterior part of the same hemisphere
[...] What do I mean by modulation? A process that resists, but does not negate. It is best thought of as the imposition of necessary distance, or delay, enabling something new to come forward." p. 91f

"the frontal cortex (frontal lobes), achieves what it does largely by negating (or not negating) [i.e. modulating] other brain activity [e.g. posterior cortex]." p. 198