▨ language


"When the metaphor is paraphrased or replaced, whatever had been extralingual, unconscious, and therefore potentially new and alive in the collision of these two entities gets reconstructed, this time in terms only of what is familiar (familiarity)" p. 117

"achieving an understanding of any one thing depends on an understanding of the whole; and the tools of language and logical analysis take one away from context, back to the set of familiar (familiarity) concepts" p. 144

"the way to get the meaning across is apparently to repeat the words endlessly, drumming it further and further into the realm of the over-familiar (familiarity)" p. 318


imitation is empathic, and involves identification. It plays an important role in human development, not only in skill acquisition – such, precisely, as a child’s developing mastery of language p. 121-3


See 3 connections with categorisation

See connection with left hemisphere expansion

See connection with 'I-it' communication

See 2 connection with hand

See language shaping the landscape of reality

See language not necessary for communication

See language not necessary for thought