▨ fantasy

distimguished from imagination:

"Wordsworth and Coleridge [...] saw poetry as the work of the imagination, which is genuinely creative, in the sense that it brings new experiences into being – not as the work of fantasy, which merely recombines what we are already familiar with in a new way." p. 341

"Breaking out of [the familiar] requires the work of the imagination – not fantasy which makes things novel, but imagination that actually makes them new, alive once more."" p. 374

"As the nineteenth century wore on, [...] Imagination was something that could not be relied on:
[...] In response to this, ‘the Imaginative’, a product of active fantasy, rather than of the receptive imagination, began to encroach on the realm of imagination itself" p. 378-81

"Aestheticism [...] conceptualised ‘the Imaginative’, as the Enlightenment had cultivated ‘Phansie’, in the place of imagination. The left hemisphere ‘creates’ newness by recombining in a novel fashion what is already known, not as imagination does, by allowing something that we thought we knew to be truly revealed for the first time." p. 408