▨ cognitive processes

"there is a synthesis of two ‘opposite modes of thought’. One is expressed in gesture, and is ‘global-synthetic all the way down’
[...] The other is expressed in words, having ‘a linear-segmented (rectilinearity) hierarchical linguistic structure" p. 189f

"Straight lines, such as the horizon, are curved if one takes a longer view, and space itself is curved – so that the rectilinearity of the left hemisphere is a bit like the flat-Earther’s view: ‘that’s the way it looks here and now’. I would say that the shape, not just of space and time, but of our apprehension of them, is curved:" p. 177

"[East ASians] see events as arising from an entire context, and tend to think in a much less linear (rectilinearity), and more global way, about causation" p. 455